Worship Online

Midweek News – Sept 29

Orange Shirts and Reconciliation Tomorrow is September 30th,  the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, known also as Orange Shirt Day.   The United Church of Canada’s website includes this information about Orange Shirt Day: “On September 30, people all across Canada will wear orange shirts to remember and honour Indigenous children who were taken…

Church at Home – Sept 26

How do we live out a ministry of presence in the community? The TMUC Council through the Ministry and Personnel Committee is inviting applications for the Office Administrator – someone who is key in our ministry of community presence.  Here’s the link on the position:  TMUC News   Online ministry connects us as well.  Some people have…

Midweek News – Sept 22

Thursday Conversation – Sept 23 at 9:00 pm  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 This is your day! If you happen to be the Norse god Odin, this is your day. Wednesday is named after Odin, also known as Wodin, who in Old Germanic and Norse mythology was the king of the gods. In naming seven days of the…

Church at Home – Sept 19

What is the longest word that can be spelled using the letters on the top row of letters on a standard computer keyboard? The answer is: ‘typewriter’ We smile when we think that we write emails etc on a keyboard that reminds us of the past technology which we used to write letters and school…

Midweek News – September 15

Thursday Conversation – Sept 15 at 9:00 pm  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 With the return of students to school comes the return of the post-school-day questions, questions such as: How was your day? Did you have a good lunch? What did you learn today? The TMUC Council has decided that we will resume Sunday morning worship in…

Church at Home – Sept 12

When children at camp or in church sing ‘Hey, Hey, Anybody Listening?’, the chorus goes: I’ve got Good News, Good News, Good News, Good News… And so if there was a musical introduction to today’s worship, it might be that!  In the coming weeks, TMUC will provide an opportunity for people to return to in person…

Midweek News – Sept 8

Thursday Conversation – Sept 9 at 9:00 pm  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 Sometimes it is amazing how things work out! First of all, you should see the stuff!  Blessed stuff!  Donated stuff!  School supplies for every age! And in this time and place of generosity was something extraordinary… A person who had learned of the blessing of the backpacks arrived thinking that…

Church at Home – Sept 5

BLESS YOU! We use the word ‘blessing’ in many contexts. When someone sneezes, we may say, “Bless you.” Before eating a meal, we may say ‘a blessing.’ At the conclusion of a worship service, we may offer a blessing. In the book of Genesis, blessing is considered to be so important that Jacob steals his…

Church at Home – Aug 29

Sunday School –  August 29 at 9:30 am Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 Gather for Worship –  August 29 at 10:00 am Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 We are not alone. We live in God’s world … Those words convey such a simple yet profound message. Those words are found in the ‘New Creed’ of The United Church of Canada. “We…

Midweek News – Aug 25

Thursday Conversation – Aug 26 at 9:00 pm  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 ‘Tiny bubbles In the sky Make me wonder As I watch them fly’ Our apologies to Don Ho who had a hit with the song ‘Tiny Bubbles’ in 1966. We couldn’t avoid recalling that song as we watched bubbles – both tiny and not so…