Midweek News – Sept 8

Midweek News – Sept 8


Thursday Conversation – Sept 9 at 9:00 pm 
Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219

Sometimes it is amazing how things work out!

First of all, you should see the stuff!  Blessed stuff!  Donated stuff!  School supplies for every age!

And in this time and place of generosity was something extraordinary…

A person who had learned of the blessing of the backpacks arrived thinking that we were giving backpacks to people. They had three children beginning school today and each needed a backpack.

We were disappointed that we had no backpacks to give. We explained this and promised to try to help in the coming days.

A few minutes after the person left, Nello Altomare arrived with two large boxes. Nello is a member of the TMUC faith community as well as the MLA for Transcona.

When we opened the boxes we saw backpacks…backpacks filled with school supplies.  Telus had donated backpacks and supplies to every MLA to distribute in their constituencies. Nello donated his donation to our donations!

We immediately phoned the person in need of backpacks, who returned and gratefully chose three backpacks.

Perhaps this was a moment of fortuitous coincidence. Perhaps it was a miracle.

It certainly felt like a blessing!

Blessings were given…
blessings were received…
we give thanks…
for our blessings.

And others came – with school supplies to give, and a few backpacks for us to bless – celebrating all that will come with the return to school.

The blessing of backpacks affirms that God is with us in all the places and experiences of life.

God is with each of us as we continue the lifelong journey of learning.

During COVID, some of us have experienced technology as a blessing that has allowed us to stay in touch with others.

TMUC’s weekly ZOOM check-in and chats have been one of our technological blessings.

We invite you to join us tomorrow morning from 9 to 10 a.m.

TMUC’s ZOOM link:

By phone:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219

We also invite your thoughts and prayers to be with TMUC’s Council who meet via ZOOM this evening.  When and how TMUC might return to in person worship is a key part of the agenda.  Of course, all Council meetings are open to everyone –

We keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff