What We Do

Transcona Memorial United Church has a presence within the church complex, our neighbourhood community, and the world at large. Most of the things that go on within the wonderful, well equipped church complex are directly church sponsored; but for some we are the host that provides the facilities.

We offer Seniors programming which happens both on our own and in partnership with the Transcona Council for Seniors; Adult Christian Education including Bible Study, Book Group;  Sunday School, Groups for Men & Women, Choirs for all ages, Social Activities, Food Bank, Outreach to the world near and far, Concerts, a Dinner Theatre and a variety of forms of worship, including Communion open to all, and Messy Church for the whole family and much more.

We also offer a number of special events over the course of the year.  These have included things like:

  • Time and Talent Auction
  • Bids & Bites Auction
  • Pancake Supper
  • Photography Workshops
  • Drumming Workshops

  • Labyrinth Walking
  • Cookie Walk
  • Bake Sales
  • Environmental Community Clean Up
  • Hi Neighbour Parade Float
  • Choir Show and Choir Concerts!
  • Dinner Theatre
  • Quiz Night

We are a busy congregation who seeks to follow God’s leading in the community.  We strive to live out our share of Christ’s ministry in all we say and do.