Worship Online

Mid-Week News – Nov 3

Thursday Conversation – Nov 4 at 9:00 am  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 This weekend is “Fall Back time…” Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday November 7th!… So, you can either set all your clock devices back an hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday, or you can just set them back an hour before you…

Church at Home – Oct 31

After 19 months of wearing masks, this Sunday evening is the traditional annual evening for mask-wearing Happy Hallowe’en! If you will be celebrating Hallowe’en in whatever fashion, the Government of Manitoba website contains advice for having a safe Hallowe’en. The link is: https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/halloween.html If one of your Hallowe’en morning activities is attending TMUC’s in-person worship…

Mid-Week News – Oct 27

Thursday Conversation – Oct 28 at 9:00 am  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 A few announcements (the musing comes at the end of the message …) The scrap metal drive raised $750.14!  Thanks to everyone! 2022 Church Calendars from The United Church of Canada can be ordered from TMUC by email (tmuc@shaw.ca) for $10. each.  The calendars feature photos of…

Church at Home – Oct 24

There is one more week until Halloween … after which we can turn our attentions to Christmas! We will transition from welcoming trick or treaters at our door, to welcoming Jesus into the world. Although, welcoming Jesus is what Christians do every moment or our lives – we welcome Jesus. As the words of a…

Midweek News – Oct 20

Thursday Conversation – Oct 21 at 9:00 am  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 What’s your route? This is the time of year when Winnipeggers are tempted to play a game of ‘Name 10 city streets that are NOT under construction!’ We suspect many around the world could play the same game about their local roads. In Winnipeg, significantly…

Church at Home – Oct 17

Thanks to the Building and Property Team for the Scrap Metal Drive on Saturday, Oct 16, 8:30 to 4:00! We’ve spent the last few days with folk from Australia, the UK, the USA and Canada! We have spent ‘virtual’ time with all these wonderful folk. The Canadian Messy Church Conference (October 14 to 17) is…

Midweek News – Oct 13

Thursday Conversation – Oct 14 at 9:00 am  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 This is a week for announcements, a request and a reminder   First the announcements: The Scrap Metal Drive is this Saturday!  October 16th from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. The Building and Property Team is hosting TMUC’s Annual Scrap Metal Drive:  Please bring your scrap metal (tin cans/pop cans/larger…

Church at Home – Oct 10

As Health Orders evolve, the church, like the rest of society, continues to explore of ‘re-opening’ and once again hosting some of the activities we did prior to COVID. Under the Manitoba Health Orders that came into effect on October 5th, we are no longer requiring you to pre-register for the 10 a.m. ‘in-person’ worship…

Midweek News – Oct 6

Thursday Conversation – Oct 7 at 9:00 am  Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219 Without a doubt, it is difficult to keep up with all the Health Orders! The Government of Manitoba’s newest COVID-19 Health Regulations came into effect on Tuesday, October 5. In compliance with these orders, TMUC will continue Sunday morning worship services at 10 a.m., with…

Church at Home- October 3

There is in-person worship on Sunday, please call Shelley to register if you wish to attend.   431-275-9169  (you must be fully vaccinated, there is limited seating as physical distancing is still required). This week is World-Wide Communion Sunday – so, in addition to the in-person worship and these online resources, you are invited to ZOOM with us!   We will gather at 11:15 for…