Let us Pray!
We invite you to join us at 6:00 pm daily – wherever you are and whatever you’re doing – to Pause and Pray for Peace. For Ukraine, for families displaced and separated, for people helping refugees, for people without enough food or clean water, for family and friends forced to be soldiers seeing and doing things they should never have to see or do, for leaders making decisions they should never have to make, for our world feeling helpless and unable to look away. May we pray, ‘let there be peace on earth’, ‘in your mercy, O God, help the world find a path to peace’, or whatever words or silence echo for you. We will be one with one another. We will #StandwithUkraine.
United Church Mission & Service partners are responding to the rapidly unfolding crisis. You can donate through the United Church’s website.
In-person worship will resume at TMUC on Sunday, March 27 at 10 a.m. The TMUC policy on vaccination and masks remains.
On Monday, March 14, at 1:30 the UCW will gather on ZOOM for a time of visiting. (please send us a note if you need more information – the TMUC ZOOM link listed below will be used)
March 14 is National Affirming/PIE Day. The United Church of Canada states: “PIE stands for Public, Intentional, Explicit. These are the standards we hold ourselves and our welcome to when we become affirming, welcoming, or inclusive communities. PIE Day reminds us to continue to welcome, celebrate and the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ and Two Spirit people in faith communities and beyond across Canada.”
While we are not yet gathering in-person as a faith community, we invite you on March 14 to serve some pie and pray for a spirit of inclusivity to continue to guide us and grow amongst us.

The Glenlea Greenhouse plant sale fundraiser is available for online shopping until April 15, 2022.
Get growing with us by supporting the online plant sale by clicking on the link and selecting Transcona Memorial United Church in the drop-down menu at check out. There are bedding plants, hanging baskets, hanging bags, vegetables and herbs for sale with 20-25% of profits being returned to TMUC. The more we sell, the more we get back. Please see the link for more information.
The plants will be delivered to TMUC on Friday May 13 and pick up usually starts around 4pm. If you require delivery, please contact tmucflowers@gmail.com and we can make arrangements with you.
We also invite you to join TMUC’s weekly ZOOM check-in and chat, Thursday morning from 9 to 10 a.m.
TMUC’s ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
We keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff