Church at Home – Aug 16

Church at Home – Aug 16


This week a special gift arrived for the Food Bank. 

Two young girls (in grades 2-3), held a lemonade stand at the lake.  They raised $59.70 and made a lot of people very happy on a hot day.  Lily and Ella learned about the importance of supporting the Food Bank at school, and even though it has been a while since they were in class, they have not forgotten about how important it is to support others.

Our special music gift this week is shared with us by Marcel Van Eerd.

He is singing Shelter Me:

There is still room in the schedule for other special music gifts.  Please be in touch with Crystal Schau to make arrangements.

We continue to be so grateful for those who continue to financially support the ministry of TMUC, through your donations on PAR, through and in cheques mailed to the church.  You are making a difference.  Thank you.

Even though we cannot be together in one place, let’s continue to be a community at prayer together.  On Sunday at 10:00, let’s think about the gifts we have in our lives, and needs of our world, and then let’s all pray the Lord’s prayer (you can pray silently, or out loud).

And, sometime, when you want to have a longer worship time, we are including some words and videos for your use.

Once each week, the Prayer List will arrive in the ‘Inbox’ of those who want to read the names of those we know need and want our prayers.  If you want to add a name to the weekly Prayer List, please do – ask for a person’s permission if you are adding their last name – and let us know by sending a note to  And, if you want to receive the list, please be in touch with that request as well.

We are gathered for worship and work in Treaty One territory, which is the traditional land of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dené peoples and the homeland of the Metis Nation. For thousands of years Indigenous Peoples walked this land and knew it to be the centre of their lives and their spirituality. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

Worship for Sunday, August 16, 2020

We come to worship with ‘Spirit God, Be Our Breath’ (which is 150 in More Voices if you have a hymn book and want to sing along):

We gather together although we are apart.
We gather in community although we are alone.
We gather asking for God’s blessing on our lives, and on our world.
We gather knowing God is with us.

Our opening hymn is “Like a Healing Stream”.

It is a recording of Atlantic-Garden City United Church’s Choir and organist with video assembled by Crystal Schau.  Atlantic Garden City UC wrote  ‘To the wonderful folks at Transcona Memorial, Sharing your gifts of music and your voices warms our hearts. … When we feel so isolated, your connection adds a happiness to our congregation.  Thanks so much!”

The sharing of their music deepens our connection.

Story for All:

Esther and Emmett reflect on the story of the lost sheep of Israel:

Printable Version
Story for All_Aug 16

Matthew 15:21-28

Jesus left that place and went away to the district of Tyre and Sidon.

Just then a Canaanite woman from that region came out and started shouting, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is tormented by a demon.”

But he did not answer her at all. And his disciples came and urged him, saying, “Send her away, for she keeps shouting after us.”

He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.”

He answered, “It is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs.” She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.”

Then Jesus answered her, “Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed instantly.

Carol offers a reflection:

Printable Version:
Reflection_August 16

Let us pray:

God, in the garden of Eden,
Adam and Eve hid from You
as You came seeking them:
seeking them in the first game of hide and seek,
in the first waltz of human fear and divine grace.

When we are tempted to hide, remind us that “Fear not” has been the consistent message of the angels amongst us.

“Fear not” and “repent” – turn, look towards another horizon, re-imagine this world as a space inhabited by God.

God, continue to address us through Your angels, reminding us that our ‘home address’ places us within the house of Your love.

Continue to tell us who we are and whose we are.

We are thankful, God, that You continue to seek us even when we do not seek you:
that You offer healing for our brokenness,
hope for our despair
forgiveness for our failures
a way of peace when we are lost.

Thank You for the people who share Your healing, hope, forgiveness and peace in this world.

Thank you for the life of Jesus, still inspiring and breathing new life into our lives.

God, we pray for hope and healing throughout the world.

We continue to pray for local and global commitments to maintain responsible practices during this time of COVID-19.

We pray for places of conflict and crisis.
We pray for the people of Belarus seeking peaceful political reform.
We pray for the people of Beirut as they grieve deaths and destruction caused by the explosion of stored munitions.
We pray for people of India’s southern state of Kerala as they grieve the deaths and destruction caused by monsoons and mudslides.
We pray for all those in Mauritius trying to limit the damage from a tanker spill of oil.

We pray for all who live with the challenges of cancer, dementia, COVID-19 and with challenges of mental health, of loneliness, of disappointment.

We pray for those who grieve,
those who are unemployed,
those who must make life-altering decisions.

God, find all of us in the times when we feel lost and alone.

Find us through family, through friends, through the wonder of creation, through the presence of the resurrected Christ.

Find us through Your peace, Your joy, Your love dwelling within us, amongst us, and always with us.

In Christ’s name we pray. AMEN


Our closing hymn is “Jesus’ Hands Were Kind Hands”

May God bless you and keep you.
May God’s face shine upon you.
May God grant you peace and joy.
Be in the peace of Christ, this day and always. Amen

We keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff