Church News
Annual Congregational Meeting on March 2
The Annual Congregational Meeting is set for Sunday March 2, 2025 following the Sunday morning service
We will be continuing our tradition of a potluck lunch, please bring something to share if you are able. We will not be having a baked goods auction this year.
Agenda items include:
Budget 2025, Five-Year Plan, Creation of a Legacy Fund, Pride Sunday and Summer Closures.
If these items are of interest to you, please plan on being in attendance!
The following documents are for review and discussion at the meeting.
Plant Sale on until April 15
TMUC will be offering the Glenlea Greenhouse plant sale fundraiser again in 2025. The sale is online and is ongoing until April 15, 2025 –
All plants and gift cards will be delivered to TMUC on May 23, 2025. Delivery available if required.
Please see Breanna Drennan-Bilyk or Cathy Drennan if you have questions or you can email Last year we raised $1300.00 for the General Fund.
Dinner Theatre Tickets on Sale Saturday February 22
Caught in the Act Co. presents its 12th Annual Dinner Theatre production “Murder at Regent Manor” from April 24-27, 2025!
Tickets go on sale Saturday February 22.
Visit the Dinner Theatre page for more information!
100 Days for Justice and Compassion
From Monday, March 3 through Tuesday, June 10, 2025, Transcona Memorial United Church will be commemorating the 100thAnniversary of The United Church of Canada with a significant project of outreach, service, education and relationship building.
TMUC’s 100 Days will honour the vision of the United Church’s Strategic Plan of “Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice.”
Watch our social media and weekly news for all the unique and interesting events and activities that will be offered as part of TMUC’s 100 Days for Justice and Compassion.
- The TMUC 100th Anniversary Committee is very pleased to welcome Tara Zajac to our church on Sunday, March 9. Tara will be speaking about the work of 1JustCity. We will also be collecting 100 loonies for 1JustCity, March 3-12.
Ash Wednesday Service on March 5
Begin your 2025 Lenten journey by gathering in the sanctuary of TMUC for a service of reflection and ritual on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 pm.
This Ash Wednesday Service will be created and led by Rev. Rob and his partner, Rev. Susan Reed (North Kildonan United Church).
The service will focus on preparing us to make our Lenten journeys in this unsettled and complicated time. The ritual of receiving ashes will be included in the service.
Lenton Bible Study starts March 14
Join Rob for conversation about the weekly scriptures for this year’s Lenten season.
Conversations will be on Fridays, from 12pm to 1pm.
Please bring your own lunch and bible. We’ll meet in the church office.
The first gathering will be Friday, March 14. All are welcome!
World Day of Prayer on March 7
The Ecumenical Churches across the world are celebrating a service of prayer for peace. This year the service will be held at TMUC on Friday March 7, 2025 at 1:30 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity for the Christian churches in Transcona and East Kildonan to worship together in solidarity and to celebrate a day of prayer, with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are so blessed!
The 2025 World Day of Prayer program invites us into the knowledge that each one of us was made with care and love by God. When we can receive this profound truth, everything in our life changes and we begin to radiate and shine from within. We also learn how to treat every other person as made wonderful by God. (
For more information or questions, please contact Mary at or 204-396-1842.
Children’s Chorus starting February 25
Starting February 25th from 6:15pm to 6:45pm, the Children will be practicing for Palm Sunday!
Open to Children 4-12 years of age. If you have any questions, please contact the office or Crystal Schau!
PIE DAY on March 14
PIE DAY – Public, Intentional, Explicit celebration and advocacy of and for 2SLGBTQIA people and communities: The TMUC Outreach Team invites you to PIE day, Friday, March 14 (3:14).
Doors open at 5:00 pm. Meal served from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Dessert at 6:30pm with presentations.
$10.00 for the full pie-meal deal.
Door Prizes.
TBJIGGN “Singing for a Century”
The “TBJIGGN” group is planning an event called “Singing for a Century” to commemorate 100 years of the United Church Saturday May 10, 2025 1:00 to 4:00 pm (music portion approx. 2 hrs) at the Big Red Church/Gordon-King Memorial UC 123 Cobourg Ave.
This will be an afternoon of congregational hymn singing and other musical presentations and fellowship.
What is your favourite hymn? Have more than one? Perfect!
Please submit the name(s) of your favourite(s) to Cathie MM, Vicky Low, or Susan Copeland. We will collect them all and submit six from our church for the TBJIGGN 100th anniversary hymn sing on May 10th. Advent carols, Christmas carols, Lenten hymns, Easter hymns are welcome!” Sunday, Feb. 16 for the deadline
Children & Youth Ministry
A weekly program for children and youth (ages 4 and older) is being offered at TMUC during the worship service. This program includes a chance for our children and youth to explore and grow in faith through story, arts, crafts, and games. Children and youth will first gather in the sanctuary and will be taken upstairs to the multi-purpose room by their leader.
A roster of volunteers to lead these programs is being created. Resources for each week will be prepared for the leaders to use.
If you would like to share your faith and spirit with our children and youth, once a month or once every couple of months, or find out more about this Sunday morning program, please speak with one of the coordinators (Gail Purcell, Karen Ilchena, Rob Reed) or contact the church office.
Office Hours
Office hours are Tuesdays to Friday from 9:00 am – 3 :00 pm (closed from noon – 1:00 pm).
Messages for Dallis Kelly, Office Admin can be left at 204-222-1331 ext 1 or email
Messages for our Minister may be left at 204-222-1331 ext 2 or email
Messages of building/maintenance concerns may be left at 204-222-1331 ext 3
Messages will be monitored and replies for non-urgent messages will be done during office hours.
Rob’s Sunday Worship Reflections are always available in print form – contact him at and he can email you a copy or the office can print one for you.
Livestreaming and recording of the worship service is available on TMUC’s Facebook page.
Calling All Singers! – The TMUC Singers! Practices will be every Tuesday from 7-8:30 pm and we will be singing at the last service of each month and special occasions.
Hymnotic will be helping out with the hymns on the weeks when The TMUC Singers aren’t singing. If you would like to join us, we practice at 9 am Sunday for the 10 am service.