
Church News


Save the date and mark your calendars! 

Caught in the Act Co. presents its 12th Annual Dinner Theatre production from April 24-27, 2025! Tickets go on sale Saturday February 22. Watch for more information coming soon!!

Children & Youth Ministry

A weekly program for children and youth (ages 4 and older) is being offered at TMUC during the worship service.  This program includes a chance for our children and youth to explore and grow in faith through story, arts, crafts, and games.  Children and youth will first gather in the sanctuary and will be taken upstairs to the multi-purpose room by their leader.

A roster of volunteers to lead these programs is being created.  Resources for each week will be prepared for the leaders to use. 

If you would like to share your faith and spirit with our children and youth, once a month or once every couple of months, or find out more about this Sunday morning program, please speak with one of the coordinators (Gail Purcell, Karen Ilchena, Rob Reed) or contact the church office.

Office Hours

Office hours are Tuesdays to Friday from 9:00 am – 3 :00 pm (closed from noon – 1:00 pm). Messages for Dallis Kelly, Office Admin can be left at 204-222-1331 ext 1 or email ; messages for our Minister may be left at 204-222-1331 ext 2 or email  Messages will be monitored and replies for non-urgent messages will be done during office hours.

Rob’s Sunday Worship Reflections are always available in print form – contact him at and he can email you a copy or the office can print one for you.

Livestreaming and recording of the worship service is available on TMUC’s Facebook page.

Calling All Singers! – The TMUC Singers! Practices will be every Tuesday from 7-8:30 pm and we will be singing at the last service of each month and special occasions.

Hymnotic will be helping out with the hymns on the weeks when The TMUC Singers aren’t singing.  If you would like to join us, we practice at 9 am Sunday for the 10 am service.


Transcona Memorial United Church has been working to ensure that every action that we take, will be taken with consideration of that action’s impact on the environment.  

 We continue to strive to: 
• minimize our negative environmental impact 
• maximize our positive environmental impact 
• advocate for positive environmental change 
• continually improve our Environmental Policy 

We are grateful for the ongoing support of the Building Fund, from the community and project sponsors including the Province of Manitoba’s contribution of $55,000 through its Building Sustainable Communities program and the United Church of Canada’s contribution of $30,000 through its Faithful Footprints program. We especially acknowledge the Government of Canada’s recent announcement of a federal investment of more than $480,000 to upgrade the energy efficiency of our community gathering space.