THURSDAY Conversation – May 27 at 9:00 am
MONDAY Conversation – May 31 at 7:00 pm
Zoom –
Dracula, Luther and May 26 ??
What do Dracula, Martin Luther and May 26 have in common?
May 26th is a date prominent in the careers of both the fictional Dracula and the Reformation theologian Martin Luther.
Fans of the Transylvanian vampire probably know that May 26th is ‘World Dracula Day.’ For those fans, this is a ‘fang-tastic’ day. Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’ was published on this date in 1897.
Dracula (the original ‘bat’ man) birthed a variety of horror films featuring vampires, but also inspired the creation of other fictional creatures combining elements of the human and the super-natural.
While May 26 marked the beginning of Dracula’s fame and popularity, it marked the beginning of Martin Luther’s infamy and exile.
On May 26, 1521, a proclamation called the ‘Edict of Worms’ was made, banning all writings of Martin Luther. The Edict declared Luther to be a heretic and a criminal.
Four months earlier, Luther had been excommunicated from the Roman Catholic church. Luther had disagreed with the church’s selling of ‘letters of indulgence’ as a way of acquiring forgiveness of sins.
Luther also came into conflict with a church theology that said salvation depended on a combination of God’s mercy and human actions. Luther believed that salvation depended totally on the grace of God – salvation is from God alone.
Luther’s teachings were central to the emergence of the Reformation and the birth of new Protestant denominations, which eventually led to the creation of The United Church of Canada in 1925.
From Dracula came a variety of fictional characters. From Martin Luther came a variety of denominations.
May 26 is a day of beginnings – the beginning of Dracula and the beginning of Luther’s ‘officially declared heretical’ theology finding new expression in new denominational communities.
May 26 can be a day of beginnings for all of us. This can be a day of beginning a deeper awareness of God’s grace in our lives and world, beginning new prayer and meditation practices.
Or, for fun we can mark ‘World Dracula Day’ by doing something ‘batty’.
And perhaps tomorrow or Monday, try an excursion into the online world of ZOOM, by joining TMUC’s weekly times of check-in and visiting – on Thursday from 9-10 a.m. – or this coming Monday from 7-8 p.m.
Here is the ZOOM link:
If you prefer to join us by being on a ‘Party-line’/’Conference Call’ style of phone call, the number to dial is: 204-272-7920
You will be asked if you want to ‘join a meeting’, (say yes), and then enter the meeting ID number: 753 844 9219
Also, this Sunday everyone is invited to the online celebration of the Prairie to Pine Region of the United Church becoming an Affirming ministry.
Here is the invitation included in the weekly Regional email:
All the people of the Regional Council and beyond are invited to gather for Our Place in the Rainbow, a service of worship to celebrate Prairie to Pine becoming an Affirming ministry. Please discuss in your community of faith whether you wish to bring your entire community to this service.
10:00 AM-11:30 AM Sunday, May 30 at:
Please bring your communion elements. We will follow this with a Zoom dessert. Wear your Pride colours and bring a dessert such as PIE pie! We’ll visit and celebrate. Register in advance and you’ll receive the link by email automatically (remember to check your spam folder):
We look forward to seeing you again!
Carol and Jeff