Worldwide Communion Sunday

Worldwide Communion Sunday


Greetings to you in preparation of Worldwide Communion Sunday

What a time this is. It has been a long time since we have gathered together at worship to share the Sacrament of Communion.

As a pastoral response to the extended restrictions, Transcona Memorial United Church will not be gathering for in-person worship for a while.  We will be in touch with details about any gathering, but we know that the community is strong and we are called to be the church, from wherever we may be.

And, as a pastoral response to the community who is feeling the heartache of time apart, and in connection with the worldwide church community of which we are part, we will be holding a communion service on ZOOM. Some of our community will not be able to join us on ZOOM so we have produced this resource for you to follow at home. If you are following at home, or if you are joining on ZOOM, we will be one community, beginning the service at 10:00 am on Sunday, October 4.

Here is the ZOOM link:

or by phone:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219

We look forward to seeing you,
Jeff and Carol

2020 WorldCommunion at Home

The words of this service were written by the Reverend Claire Dawe of Manningham Uniting Church in Melbourne, Australia.  We are using these words to connect us with the wider church.  



At this time of COVID-19, what is important is how you approach this service of communion, not the elements you bring with you. If you are able and it is safe to do so, plan ahead so you have bread and juice prepared and ready. If you are not able or if it is not safe for you, please gather something you feel is appropriate to use – a cracker and water are perfectly acceptable to God. These are symbols and are intended to bring comfort and hope to you and to offer respect to God.

Let us remind ourselves of the words of the prophet Micah when the people asked, what does God ask of us?

God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice,
and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)

So, approach this time of communion by first focusing on God.



Let us bring to mind the occasions we have hurt others, ourselves or God either as individuals or as a nation. ……….
God is forgiving and will always be forgiving. But are we?
Let go of the baggage you hold, let go of the silly squabbles and misunderstandings that affect our lives. Know that our God of love and mercy is with us now and will be always.
Reflect that love and mercy to others,
and allow yourself to receive it too.


Try the breath prayer.
Yahweh is an ancient name for God from the Jewish tradition.
Take a deep breath in and then push it out.
As you breathe in, say Yah, the first syllable of the name for God.
As you breathe out, say Weh. Yah-weh.
Repeat that several times.


Another way to centre our thoughts is to use a finger labyrinth. Use your finger and gently work your way round without worrying if you take a wrong turn. Remember that often we learn the most when we take wrong turns.
















You might prefer to use an image to focus your mind. It could be anything.

These 2 are offered as possibilities.

Begin by scanning the whole image and then allow your eyes to fall on one area.

Take in what you see.

Then ask yourself what does this say of God?






















Holy God,
when the time was right,
you sent Jesus to be among us.
Born into this life,
seeing your grace revealed in all things, he laughed with those who laughed, and mourned with those who mourned.
Through your love, he healed the sick, he welcomed the outcast,
he challenged those in power,
and the structures that kept them there.
And he called us back to your love.
In the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus laughs and cries,
heals and welcomes, challenges and loves,
again and again and again.


Now turn your attention to the elements you have prepared and rehear our sacred story. 


We have been told that,
on the night before he was taken
to be killed on a cross,
Jesus sat with his disciples,
and ate with them, in a meal.
Jesus took a loaf of bread,
asked your blessing upon it, broke it, and gave it to his disciples saying:
“Take this – all of you – and eat it. Each time you eat it, remember me.”
Close to the meal’s end,
he took a cup filled with wine, asked your blessing upon it,
and gave it to his disciples saying:
Take this – all of you – and drink it.
This is me. This is my promise for you and for the world.”
Each time you drink it, remember me.
So we, his disciples,
eat bread and drink wine – and remember.
Take a moment and remember. What do you remember? 
Gracious God, send us your Spirit to guide our thoughts and actions.
Help us to sit with mystery, with what doesn’t yet make any sense at all.
Help us to endure all that must be endured. Amen


Eat and drink the elements you have prepared, symbols of a communal feast that we will share again when it is safe to do so. 



God of transformation,
Be with us as we reflect on what we have experienced here.
Be with us as we struggle with the Good News you want us to share.
Friends, God makes us whole,
today, tomorrow and every day.
May this service of communion bring you a sense of peace,
a peace that only comes from God.