Midweek News – Sept 30

Midweek News – Sept 30


Greetings to you on Orange Shirt Day

We join with people across the country honouring the children who went to Residential Schools, and in recognition of the harm the residential school system did to the sense of self-esteem and wellbeing of children.  It is also a day to affirm our commitment to ensure that everyone around us matters.  #OrangeShirtDay  #EveryChildMatters

As we reflect on #EveryChildMatters, it is especially timely as we prepare for Worldwide Communion Sunday this week.  Please look for an additional email tomorrow with instructions for taking part on Sunday.


Srinivasa Ramanujan was a brilliant Indian mathematician. In 1917, while hospitalized in London, he was visited by his colleague, the English mathematician G.M. Hardy.

Not good at small talk, Hardy commented, “The number on my taxicab was 1729. It seemed to me a rather dull number.”

Ramanujan’s eyes lit up as he responded, “No…it is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways.”

This has become known as Ramanujan’s taxicab number (1,729 =123  + 13 = 10+ 93).

For most of us, 1,729 probably does seem like a dull number – just another, ordinary number.

Ramanujan saw the awesome in the ordinary.

Perhaps we can too.


  • the small dust bunny in the corner contains atoms from a star that lived billions of years ago
  • the yellow leaves on the ground are an artist’s paint smears across her palette
  • the wrinkles in the Kleenex are the sails of boats
  • that scrap of cloth can become a unique, health-providing mask
  • the land upon which we walk is sacred
  • the air we breath is sacred
  • the trees, the grasses, the rocks…all are sacred

Perhaps this ordinary world is God’s world.

Perhaps our ordinary lives are immersed in the sacredness of God’s creation.

Perhaps we are not alone.
We do live in God’s world.

Thanks be to God.


Once a week, we can perhaps find the awesome in the ordinariness of a Zoom visit!

Everyone is welcome to join our weekly check-in and chat, Thursdays at 9 a.m.

Here is the link to the TMUC ZOOM:

Join Zoom Meeting – All are welcome!

We look forward to seeing you again.

Carol and Jeff