Midweek News – Nov 10

Midweek News – Nov 10


To mark Remembrance Day we are sharing the link to a new video which includes O Canada, the reading of the TMUC Honour Roll – with the pictures of the soldiers – the Act of Remembrance –with trumpet and silence – and O God Our Help in Ages Past.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

We shall remember them.

Stephen McKendry-Smith, in 2018, published a book of short biographies of the people whose names we read on the Transcona Memorial United Church Honour Roll every Remembrance Day Sunday.

The book is entitled “We Will Remember Them.”  The book’s ‘Afterward’ says:

The average age of the soldiers on our Honour Roll was 25 years.

Think about someone in your life who is 25 years old. Imagine everything that person might accomplish in their life. They’ll have careers, perhaps partners, and will watch the next generation grow up. They’ll have great achievements, great loss, joy and despair. Your 25-year-old may find a long-sought-after cure, may become a great leader, or be a great philanthropist. 

Our soldiers did not get the chance to do these things. This loss of potential is, perhaps, the greatest cost of war. Our youth are our future, and war continues to take our future away. 

The men on our Honour Roll fought for our freedom. They fought with the hope that those who came after would never have to fight again. This was to be their great achievement, and they have left it up to us to realize this dream of peace.

Remember their sacrifice.

Remember them.”


We remember. We will remember…


One of the ways of peace is that of nurturing communities that care for and with each other.

One of TMUC’s ways of nurturing community during this pandemic time, is through our weekly Thursday morning check-in and chat. You don’t need to have previously participated in order to join us tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.

Here is the link to the TMUC ZOOM:

Join Zoom Meeting – All are welcome!


We look forward to seeing you again.

Carol and Jeff