After the season of winter comes the season of… potholes!
Potholes have been plentiful and plentifully deep this season. Winnipeg city workers continue the work of repairing these gaping chasms in our roadways, but many vehicles have suffered damage and many potholes still challenge drivers.
We experience potholes in our streets. We also experience spiritual ‘potholes’ – times when our health, economic and relational foundations crumble.
The church is a community of people who have encountered the potholes of life.
The church is a community of people who travel the difficult roadways with each other.
The church is a community trusting that God is with us when the road is solid or crumbled.
The church is a community trusting that our lasting foundation is the love of God.
If you find yourself maneuvering potholes this week, remember that God is with you in your life journey.
We are thankful for your ongoing support of TMUC. Thank you for your generosity of prayer and care. Thank you for your ongoing financial support!
And an appreciative thank you to everyone who organized, volunteered at and supported this year’s Glenlea Greenhouse fundraiser. The plant sale raised $2022.00 for TMUC! THANK YOU!!!

Please remember the TMUC projects:
• The Pop Can Drive (please rinse)
• The TruEarth fundraiser – here’s the link
The Book and Rummage sale is on Saturday, May 28th from 9 – 12.
Items can be dropped off Tuesday – Friday the week before the sale during regular office hours (9-12, 12:30-3)
Alternatively, you may drop off items in the evening from 6:00 – 7:00pm on May 24th & 26th.
Rummage items must be CLEAN and would normally include:
trinkets, sports equipment, lamps, pet dishes/toys, ANYTHING YOU CAN EASILY CARRY!
• Questions?? Call the church office at 204-222-1331
And, would you like to be on the Planning Team for a Mess-tival Festival of Holy Habits for all ages planned for TMUC on July 19, 20, and 12? We need some helping hands to make a successful event and you would be welcome!
We invite you to continue to pray for peace each day. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. Pause at 6 p.m. and Pray for Peace. We will #StandWithUkraine!
And, you are invited to be part of the check in and chat this Thursday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 on ZOOM.
TMUC’s ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
We look forward to seeing you again, and keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff