Every act can make a big difference!
We #StandWithUkraine with flags in windows, sunflowers in the Sanctuary, and on Sunday, when we gather for in-person worship, with cookies!
Laura Sechman, our new Office Administrator, is also an extraordinary baker, and she is preparing Ukrainian Flag cookies. The cookies, packaged separately, are to encourage donations to the United Church’s Ukrainian Emergency Appeal through the Mission and Service Fund. Please make cheques payable to TMUC, with M and S Ukraine Appeal in the memo line. Cash donations are also welcome. Online donations can be made here.
We invite you to continue to pray for peace each day. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. Pause at 6 p.m. and Pray for Peace. We will #StandWithUkraine!
TMUC returns to in-person worship this Sunday (March 27) at 10 a.m. Our mask and vaccination policies continue and there is Sunday School!
As usual, Sunday morning Greeters are needed. If you can volunteer for this, please call Shelley Schau for details and to confirm your Sunday – 431-275-9169.
Thursday, March 24 at 6:30 is Messy Church on ZOOM! Please use the TMUC ZOOM link to join in as we tell the parable of the Mustard Seed!
Chocolate Easter Bunnies are back!
TMUC is partnering with Mordens’ Chocolates in a Chocolate Easter Bunny fundraiser. Each 90g Pure Milk Chocolate Flat Solid Bunny is $7.00. You can order or pick up by contacting the church office
TMUC must place our last order with Mordens’ on April 3 so that means we need to know before then how many bunnies you would like!
Send your order by email (tmuc@shaw.ca) or phone Laura in office hours (Tuesday – Friday, 9-12, 12:30-3:00) at 204-222-1331 (extension 101).
The snow is melting – We will be able to garden SOON!
The Glenlea Greenhouse plant sale fundraiser is underway and available for online shopping until April 15, 2022.
Get growing with us by supporting the online plant sale by clicking on the link and selecting Transcona Memorial United Church in the drop-down menu at check out. There are bedding plants, hanging baskets, hanging bags, vegetables and herbs for sale with 20-25% of profits being returned to TMUC. The more we sell, the more we get back. Please click here for more information.

The plants will be delivered to TMUC on Friday May 13 and pick up usually starts around 4pm. If you require delivery, please contact tmucflowers@gmail.com and we can make arrangements with you.
And, of course, we invite you to join our weekly ZOOM check-in and chat time this Thursday from 9 to 10. Here’s the link:
TMUC’s ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
We look forward to seeing you again, and keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff