This is a week of thanks!
Thanks to all those people who organized, staffed, and attended the Book and Rummage sale –with coffee and muffins galore – and helped us raise over $2,000!
Photo of books?
Thanks to all those who saw the books and puzzles remaining at the end of the sale and said ‘Let’s do it again!’ and have set up the sale for this Saturday, June 4 from 9-12 for books, puzzles, CD’s, DVD’s and LP’s! Spread the word – WE’RE BACK! And let us know if you would like to join the volunteer team!

If you were not with us on Sunday morning, these are the words that were spoken:
A long time ago, in what feels like yesterday for some, a very young Lynne Craig, delight of Marg and Harry, took some piano lessons, and became an accomplished pianist, and found a place on the ‘bench’ of TMUC.
And then, the now Lynne Mavins, beloved of Randy, took some organ lessons, and became an accomplished organist, and a member of the Royal Canadian College of Organists, graduating as a Fellow of Trinity College, London UK, in 2001.
And, all the while, Lynne had a place on the organ bench and the piano bench at TMUC, giving lessons – playing for choir shows, congregational worship, weddings, funerals, and wherever she was needed.
This week marks the last formal ‘sitting on the bench’, hands on the keys, for Lynne at TMUC.
Lynne, what a share of Music Ministry you have had in this place! What a share of Christ’s ministry!
You are a blessing to us, and we offer our thanks, and our blessings to you!

If you would like to send your own words of thanks, please feel free to send them to and we will make sure that Lynne receives them!
Please remember, you are invited to be part of the check in and chat this Thursday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 on ZOOM.
TMUC’s ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
We look forward to seeing you again, and keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff