Welcome to April!
April, the month of sunshine and showers — and snow! Argh! We hope that you are well and safe.
April is the month of Earth Day, and TMUC seeks to ‘live with respect in creation’. So…we have a couple of projects.
We are having a pop can drive! Please rinse and save any aluminum pop cans and bring them to the church on Sundays or in office hours.
And, we are partnering with TruEarth for a fundraiser. TruEarth is a Canadian company that manufactures environmentally safe products (they started with just laundry detergent). This link can be shared widely – and all orders through it will bring funds to TMUC – including during the April Earth Day sale that is coming. If you need more information, please follow this link.
And – here’s more new news!
Book and rummage sale!
We are hoping to hold a Used Book & Rummage Sale on Saturday, May 28thfrom 9 – 12.
Although a few volunteers have signed up, to make this project a success, we desperately need the following:
Event lead (or co-leads)
Volunteers to:
set up the day/evening before
work the morning of the sale
Come join the fun! Contact Laura at the Church Office (204-222-1331) or tmuc@shaw.ca by April 18th if you can help!
And, we invite you to continue to pray for peace each day. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. Pause at 6 p.m. and Pray for Peace. We will #StandWithUkraine!
The TMUC Breakfast Group is re-inventing itself. We are meeting for breakfast on Good Friday, April 15 at Ben & Florentine at 8AM. Yes, it’s early to get up but hey! It’s breakfast! And TMUC will be having a service at the church beginning at 10AM, for those planning to attend. We will be discussing the future of our group, we’d love your input & ideas. All are welcome. Please RSVP to the church office (tmuc@shaw.ca or 204-222-1331 ext 101) so we can get the tables set!
Thanks to everyone for participating in the Glenlea Greenhouse Plant Sale Fundraiser! The last day to order is April 15! Here’s the link to order.:

We invite you to join our weekly ZOOM check-in and chat time this Thursday from 9 to 10. Here’s the link:
TMUC’s ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
We look forward to seeing you again, and keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff