**Food Bank has been POSTPONED until Wednesday April 20** Due To The Current Weather Conditions
Stay home and be ready’ announcements have become the norm as this snowstorm approached!
And now, here we are again – many of us working from home – or tucked in at home trying to stay warm and safe.
It’s just another April in Winnipeg!
With all the snow coming, and all the wind, we will be sending out our own alerts around the plans for the services on Easter weekend. Look for service information in a separate message – likely on Thursday.
April is the month of Earth Day, and TMUC seeks to ‘live with respect in creation’. So…we have a couple of projects.
We are having a pop can drive! Please rinse and save any aluminum pop cans and bring them to the church on Sundays or during office hours.
And, we are partnering with Tru Earth for a fundraiser. Tru Earth is a Canadian company that manufactures environmentally safe products (they started with just laundry detergent). This link can be shared widely – and all orders through it will bring funds to TMUC – including during the April Earth Day sale that is coming. If you need more information, please see visit this link.
It is time to subscribe or renew subscriptions to Broadview magazine. Please contact Cathie Morgan Matula at 204 222-0124 or at cathiemorgan7@gmail.com. Cost is $25/year. Articles in this magazine range from world issues to local human rights issues to local environmental issues, along with news from various United Church congregations across the country. Sixty-four pages with no commercial advertising. Cheques should be made payable to TMUC, with “Broadview” in the memo line.
Book and rummage sale

The TMUC Used Book & Rummage Sale will be on Saturday, May 28th from 9 – 12.
Thanks to those who have already signed up to volunteer! The UCW is planning coffee and muffins – it is going to be a great event!
We need more help though! Would you like to be a leader? Or co-leader?
Would you like to Volunteer to:
set up the day/evening before
work the morning of the sale
Come join the fun!
Contact Laura at the Church Office (204-222-1331) or tmuc@shaw.ca if you can help!
And, we invite you to continue to pray for peace each day. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing. Pause at 6 p.m. and Pray for Peace. We will #StandWithUkraine!
Thanks to everyone for participating in the Glenlea Greenhouse Plant Sale Fundraiser! The last day to order is April 15! Here’s the link for ordering:

We invite you to join our Holy Week Bible Study (Lunch and Luke) from 12-12:30 Thursday and Friday on ZOOM. Here’s the link:
TMUC’s ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
We look forward to seeing you again, and keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff