During the time of COVID ‘shutdowns’, we daily phoned people of TMUC to ask how they were doing and let them know we were thinking of them.
A recurrent question we heard during those calls was, “How are things with the church?”
As we return to weekly in-person worship and events, we continue to both phone and visit people and we continue to hear the question, “How are things with the church?”
This Midweek Musings email has been one means by which we tell people about ‘how things are with the church.’
“How things are’ often translates to ‘here’s what’s happening’ (or, as we might say on a Sunday morning, ‘here are a few announcements’).
So, here’s what’s happening:
A Congregational Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 2 at 7:00 p.m. on ZOOM.
The meeting is being held to vote on recommendations from the Building and Property Team regarding work to be done on the church roof, as well as future plans for the replacement of furnaces.
Copies of the Team’s report and recommendations are on the TMUC website (https://tmuc.ca.) Here is the direct link
A summary of the report and its recommendations has been mailed to those whom we know do not have email.
It will be possible for people who do not have ZOOM to join the congregational meeting via telephone. We hope that you will plan to attend.
As we plan, it is very clear that additional contributions to the Building Fund would be greatly appreciated right now!
The ZOOM link for the meeting on August 2 will be:
By phone:
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
What else is happening?
In September we will be in need of a musical accompanist for worship services.
The Ministry and Personnel Team have prepared a description of the responsibilities of TMUC’s Musical Accompanist. That information is posted on the News Page of TMUC’s website. Here is the link to that page:
Please share with anyone you know who might be interested.
What else is happening?
On August 4, Gifts of Grace Street Mission will be hosting a Barbeque for our street friends. They need cookies – packaged in twos; water and juice boxes . If you can help with these needs, please contact Bonnie Scott (204-222-6986). Items can be delivered to Bonnie’s home, – blue table by front door for donations.
What else is happening?
You may order a copy of the 2023 United Church Edition of the Canadian Church Calendar – the month of November features a photo of TMUC’s building! The calendars are $10. Please contact the church office to order (204) 222-1331.

Please remember the TMUC projects:
• The pop can recycling fundraiser
• Old batteries recycling
• The TruEarth fundraiser – here’s the link:
We continue to appreciate and thank everyone who continues to support TMUC’s ministry.
We keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff