What do you think of when you think of the earth?
Do you think about the colours of the trees in this season on autumn? Do you think about beauty?
Do you think about harms that have been done to our planet? Pollution?
Do you think about faith – perhaps the words of A New Creed echo – we are called to live with respect in creation.
This is the season on Creation in the church year. It is a good time for us to reflect on all those things – and caring for the earth will be a part of our monthly ‘Check in and Chat.’ If you would like to join us on ZOOM tomorrow morning from 9 to 10, here is the link:
or by phone: 204 272 7920
Meeting ID: 753 844 9219
And, if one of the ways in which you are trying to live with respect in creation is in the partnership that TMUC has with TruEarth, today is a bonus day.

Orders can be placed here.
And, we are looking for volunteers to help with the TOUCH exhibit at TMUC . From October 13 to 16, Transcona Memorial United Church, welcomes “Touch”, a travelling exhibit from the Studio Art Quilters Associates. SAQA is an international group of artists and this is an exhibit from the Western Canadian Chapter. Information about hours and the exhibit can be found here.
Please remember QUIZ night tickets are available through the office and on Sundays. Tickets are now (price reduced) $10. Quiz Night on Friday, October 21st starting at 7 (doors open at 6)! Hosted by Quizmasters Kathy and Russell Antymis a night of fun awaits! Team/table size is 6 people. Gather a group of friends to make a team or ask to be placed on a team. Bring your own snacks, canned drinks will be available for $1.00. and—there will be a small silent auction.
Messy Church is on Friday, October 14 at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome!
Book Group is on Tuesday, October 18 at 7 p.m. October’s book is Fight Night by Miriam Toews. All are welcome!
Of course, there is always more news to share – announcements are almost endless in a busy community! Please be in touch if you want to know more about:
The ZOOM study group
Dinner Theatre acting
The Upper Room
Pop Can recycling
Choir Practices!
We keep you in our prayers,
Carol and Jeff