Church and Home – Oct 30

Church and Home – Oct 30


Trick or treat!

We are just a few days away from hearing young voices shout those words from outside our front doors.

Monday is Hallowe’en!

How did the phrase “trick or treat” come to be?  There are several theories – and if the Internet is to be believed – all might be true!

Some say that “Trick or Treat” originated with the ancient Celts.

Others associate it with ‘mumming’ in England, Scotland and Ireland, with people dressed in costume, singing a rhyme, performing a card trick or telling a story in order to receive a sweet. – People with Newfoundland connections will know about the mummers too!

There is even a Canadian connection theory, noticing the reference, in an Alberta newspaper, to visitors at the door asking for a ‘trick or treat.’

The day after Hallowe’en (November 1) is All Saints Day.

On All Saints Day, Christians of varying traditions remember the saints – those officially ‘canonized’ and named as saints, or those people we identify as saintly because of the ways their lives have conveyed the reality of God.

Perhaps it is appropriate that Hallowe’en as it is celebrated today and All Saints Day are calendar neighbours because the stories of the saints are replete with incidents that may be ‘tricks’ or ‘treats’ – stories of St. Francis talking to animals, or St. Margaret of Antioch, who was credited with slaying a dragon!

And, the idea of a trickster God finds a variety of expressions in First Nations’ teachings.  There are stories with Coyotes and Ravens being tricksters.

Biblically it is Sarai who thinks that she is being tricked when she is told that she – at a great age – will have a child.

It is Jacob who wrestles with the angel and is left with a permanent limp.

It is Jonah who is swallowed by a fish – was that a trick of storytelling?

And while reading stories about Jesus we may find ourselves asking ‘trick or treat?’.

When the wedding hosts run out of wine, Jesus suggests they fill everyone’s glass with water – and – surprise – the water has become wine! ‘Trick or treat!’

Or imagine arriving at the tomb of someone whom you had seen die on a cross, only to discover that the boulder sealing the tomb had been moved aside, and there was a person garbed in white who told you that this Jesus had been raised from the dead and would see you again! ‘Trick or treat’.

We invite you during the next few days of Hallowe’en and All Saints Day, to think about our ‘trick or treat’ God, and the ways we are both surprised and saved by moments of holy Presence.

Reserve your seat to next fundraiser – “Murder by the (Hymn) Book!”   on Friday, November 18th at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15. Please phone (204-222-1331) or email the church office ( for tickets. Everyone attending help interview a cast of suspects in order to solve the ‘dying clue.’ And determine ‘whodunit?”  Join us for fun evening of crime solving.

TMUC’s next Metal Drive will be held on Saturday, November 5, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Volunteers (and a large bin!) will be in the church parking lot (behind the sanctuary) to receive and help unload metal donations.

The next Messy Church is on Friday, November 11, at 1:00 p.m.  All are welcome!

The online study group.  ‘Unveiled — 8 Women of the Old Testament’, continues next Thursday, November 3, at noon (session lasts about half an hour). Next week we will be learning about Rebekah. Everyone is welcome to this ‘lunch’n learn’ time!

And, TMUC will be preparing 10 Christmas hampers this year – thank you for making plans to support this!  The list of needed items will be available soon.  We do not need sugar as someone has already volunteered to buy all that is needed!

Here is the ZOOM link for the study group:

We are still collecting pop cans for recycling, and partnering with TruEarth for fundraising!

Office hours are irregular, so please email to make sure someone is there if you want to drop by.

All the details are available on previous emails and on

We keep you in our prayers and thank you for your ongoing support,
Carol and Jeff

Words for Worship for Sunday, October 30, 2022


*INTROIT:  There is Room For All – More Voices #62
There is room for all in the shadow of God’s wing;
there is room for all, sheltered in God’s love.
And I rejoice and sing,
My refuge and my rock in whom I trust.”
There is room for all, there is room for all.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense

One:   The Lord be with you.
All:     And also with you.
One:   Lift up your hearts.
All:     We lift them up to the Lord.
One:   Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All:     It is right to give God thanks and praise.

*HYMN: “For All the Saints” Voices United #705

Prayer:  Our voices are raised with Hallelujah, O God.  We gather to hear your word.  We gather to open ourselves in prayer.  We gather to sing our faith.  We need to be touched by your spirit that we might grow in faith and be encouraged on our journeys.  Be with us and help us to be the people that you call us to be.  In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.

A STORY FOR ALL:  I Am Loved (words and music by Heather Price)

Luke 19:1-5
MUSIC MOMENT: “Zaccheus” written by the Medical Mission Sisters, sung by the TMUC Singers
Luke 19:6-10

*HYMN: “God of the Sparrow” Voices United #229


MUSIC MOMENT: “I Feel the Spirit” written by Nancy Price and Don Besig

OFFERTORY: Your Work, O God, Needs Many Hands – Voices United #537
Your Work, O God, needs many hands
to help you everywhere,
and some there are who cannot serve
unless our gifts we share.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense

CALL TO PRAYER: “O God, Hear my Prayer” – Voices United #948
O God, hear my prayer, O God, hear my prayer;
When I call, answer me.
O God, hear my prayer, O God, hear my prayer,
come and listen to me.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense

The prayer that Jesus taught…

*Hymn: “I am the Dream” More Voices #106

*Blessings and Sending Forth

*Choral Blessing: “I am Walking a Path of Peace” – More Voices #221
I am walking a path of peace,
I am walking a path of peace,
I am walking a path of peace,
lead me home, lead me home…I am home.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense