“Over my head, I hear music in the air…”
If you have been in the TMUC sanctuary this week you might be inspired to sing a slightly different version of this hymn:
“Over my head, I hear workers on the roof…”

This week the work began on re-shingling and insulating the roof over the sanctuary.
The roofers have removed the existing shingles on the north side of the building and will adding foam board and insulation.
Which reminds us that when we are in the sanctuary, there are layers of ‘roofing’ providing shelter and safety and comfort.
Which may remind us that there are ‘layers’ to our lives, providing our sense of identity and our perception of the world.
There are time layers – times of childhood, times of adolescence, times of education and employment and retirement: layers that continue to influence us in our living.
There are layers of relationships – family, friends, colleagues, classmates, church community….layers that wrap us in support, understanding and affirmation.
There is the faith layer – the comfort and sometimes discomfort of God assuring us that we are loved and that we to be sharers of God’s love in the world.
Winter is the season during which we dress in ‘layers’. We invite you to think about the layers of your life – the relationships, experiences, and grace of God that influence who you are and who you are becoming.
This Sunday, we worship in-person at 10:00. If you cannot be present, you are invited to join in the livestream.
Here’s the ZOOM link:
Quiz Night is this evening at 7:00 p.m. Join us for this fun (and perhaps even educational) fundraiser. Tickets are $10. There will be a silent auction. Thanks for your generosity!
Dinner theatre still needs someone to play a female part.
We are still collecting pop cans for recycling, and partnering with TruEarth for fundraising!
Office hours are irregular, so please email to make sure someone is there if you want to drop by.
All the details are available on previous emails and on https://tmuc.ca
We keep you in our prayers and thank you for your ongoing support,
Carol and Jeff
Words for Worship for Sunday, October 23, 2022
*INTROIT: There is Room For All – More Voices #62
There is room for all in the shadow of God’s wing;
there is room for all, sheltered in God’s love.
And I rejoice and sing,
My refuge and my rock in whom I trust.”
There is room for all, there is room for all.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense
One: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Lift up your hearts.
All: We lift them up to the Lord.
One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
*HYMN: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” Voices United #220
Prayer: How lovely is your grace O God. We come before you to give thanks for your care and love. We come to be open to your Spirit, that we might be encouraged to live as you call us to live. Help us to care for others. Help us to know your love in all our living. We pray in Jesus’ name. AMEN.
MUSIC MOMENT: “His Eye is on the Sparrow” sung by Steve McKendry-Smith
Psalm 84 (Responsive) Page 800 Voices United
Luke 18:9-14
*HYMN: “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” Voices United #271
OFFERTORY: Your Work, O God, Needs Many Hands – Voices United #602
Your Work, O God, needs many hands
to help you everywhere,
and some there are who cannot serve
unless our gifts we share.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense
CALL TO PRAYER: “O God, Hear my Prayer” – Voices United #948
O God, hear my prayer, O God, hear my prayer;
When I call, answer me.
O God, hear my prayer, O God, hear my prayer,
come and listen to me.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense
The prayer that Jesus taught…
*Hymn: “Take Up His Song of Peace” More Voices #213
*Blessings and Sending Forth
*Choral Blessing: “I am Walking a Path of Peace” – More Voices #221
I am walking a path of peace,
I am walking a path of peace,
I am walking a path of peace,
lead me home, lead me home…I am home.
Reproduced #605666, OneLicense