If “a penny saved is a penny earned…”
And “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush’….
Then is it true that ‘a clock re-set is an hour gained!’
Yes, it is true! At least it will be true this Saturday.
Daylight Savings Time ends this weekend, so, remembering to ‘spring forward and fall back’ we will all reset our clocks on Saturday evening. Our clocks will ‘fall back’ one hour, creating the yearly phenomena of gaining an hour.
We gain by turning back!
A golfer or a tennis player (or anyone engaged in a sport) may find that their game is ‘off’ and to get back to where they want to be, they need to ‘go back’ to the basics, to the skills they first practised and learned. The same is true for musicians and artists and chefs and… By turning back we can again go ahead.
Jesus said that if people wanted to perceive God’s presence in the world, they would have to become like children! He said that those who want to be first would have to go back to last place!
Sometimes we gain by going back, revisiting previous insights, learnings and lessons. Sometimes we gain by going back to a place of less power and prominence and walking humbly with our God.
So, if you want to go back to worship on Sunday morning at 10 a.m., please remember to turn your clocks back one hour on Saturday
This Sunday is our Remembrance Day service. We will not be livestreaming this Sunday. Please join us for in person worship.

We invite you to view the Remembrance Day service posted in 2020.
Here’s the link
Reminder: TMUC’s Metal Drive takes place tomorrow, Saturday, Nov 5, from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Volunteers (and a large bin!) will be in the church parking lot (behind the sanctuary) to receive and help unload metal donations.

2023 Church Calendars can be ordered until next Wednesday. Calendars are $10 and feature TMUC in November! Orders can be made on Sunday or through tmuc@shaw.ca

The next Messy Church is on Friday, November 11, at 1:00 p.m. Come and explore the story of Jesus healing Blind Bart with games, crafts, a snack and a celebration. All are welcome!
Reserve your seat to next fundraiser – “Murder by the (Hymn) Book!” on Friday, November 18th at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15. Please phone (204-222-1331) or email the church office (tmuc@shaw.ca) for tickets. Everyone attending help interview a cast of suspects in order to solve the ‘dying clue.’ And determine ‘whodunit?” Join us for fun evening of crime solving.
And, save the dates:
The UCW of North Kildonan United invites everyone to their annual
Christmas Bazaar to be held Saturday, November 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon.
The T’BJIGGN Team from the seven United Churches in north-east Winnipeg invite you to attend a Pre-Advent Event on Saturday, November 26th from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Immanuel United Church.
And, TMUC will be preparing 10 Christmas hampers this year – thank you for making plans to support this! The list of needed items will be available soon.
We are still collecting pop cans for recycling and partnering with TruEarth for fundraising!
Office hours are irregular, so please email to make sure someone is there if you want to drop by.
All the details are available on previous emails and on https://tmuc.ca
We keep you in our prayers and thank you for your ongoing support,
Carol and Jeff