Something FANtastic has happened in TMUC’s building!
New fans have been installed in both the sanctuary and in Yale Hall!
The fans are silent and will improve air circulation and are a part of the TMUC Green Plan.
Next time you are in worship or in Yale Hall, look up, and become a fan of our new fans!!
Thanks to the Building and Property Team for arranging the installation of the fans.
You are invited to join us for worship this Sunday at 10 a.m. If you cannot be present, you are invited to join in the livestream.
Here’s the ZOOM link for TMUC:
and, if you want to just listen, you can join by phone: 204-272-7920
On Sunday we will be reading John 17:1-11 and the music includes:
“Let Us Build a House” – More Voices #1
“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” – Voices United #264
Church News:
Transcona Food Bank needs clean egg cartons. Please bring your egg cartons and place them on the Food Bank Cart in the entrance to the Christian Education Building. This will be an ongoing request so please keep your egg cartons and bring them to the church for the Food Bank.
We are looking forward to celebrating the upcoming retirement of Jeff and Carol and their 35 years of community ministry with a Come and Go reception on Tuesday June 27 at 6:30pm. Brief remarks at 7pm and light refreshments to be served.
There will be volunteer opportunities available for those interested, sign up sheets will soon be posted near the sanctuary door. But – we need your help to decorate! Do you have photos of Carol and Jeff from the last 35 years? We would like to create a photo display to highlight the fun we’ve had and the love that has been shared. Please bring your labelled photos to the church office, during office hours or on Sunday mornings and place them in the box marked “PHOTOS”, until June 11. Regretfully, unlabelled photos will be discarded.
We are collecting for a group gift, a token of remembrance for Jeff and Carol and their time at Transcona Memorial. If you would like to contribute, cheques made payable to Cathy Drennan, e-transfers to or cash contributions can be dropped off in the office. Please indicate “group gift” for any transaction. Please reach out to Breanna Drennan-Bilyk, Chair of the Board, with any questions.

Items Needed: The New to Canada people from Ukraine need some things – particularly bath and kitchen towels, kitchen supplies — dishes, cutlery, pots and pans, serving utensils, etc, a and jams (Jams are expensive in Canada and the families are accustomed to lots of jam on bread and pancakes—and they love homemade if someone is inclined… ). We also would like soccer balls and outdoor toys, helmets and bikes for adults and children.
Come for conversation! Tuesdays from 1:15-2:15 and Thursdays from 6-7pm. We welcome people to gather in conversation. Those learning English are eager to practice! Come and join us in the Multi-purpose room to chat! All are welcome! (if you could help with childcare during the Thursday evening sessions, please contact the church office).
We continue to collect clean pop cans! Our new total for pop can fundraising is $375.45!
We continue to partner with TruEarth for fundraising. TruEarth is a Canadian Company that has developed an environmentally friendly hypo-allergenic cleaning products. The cleaning products are mailed to your home, and very easy to use. If you have questions there are a number of people in our congregation who are using them. The fundraising link can be used by anyone across the country so please share the news with family and friends!
Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support of TMUC’s ministry. Donations online can be made through CanadaHelps.
We keep you in our prayers,
again, with deep, deep thanks,
Carol and Jeff