Palm Sunday begins the Christian Holy week, during which we remember Jesus entering Jerusalem, upending tables in the temple courtyard, sharing a meal with his friends in an upper room, praying in a garden, being arrested, questioned and tortured…and crucified.
Holy Week brings into both focus and question the life of Jesus.
Jesus healed. Jesus fed the hungry. Jesus awakened people to their own sense of blessedness, of sacredness and of divine love. Jesus shared stories about forgiveness and about God’s presence in their midst.
Jesus embodied a holy love embedded in the core of all creation. Jesus embodied a holy love renewing all creation.
Then Holy week brings Jesus to a cross and to a tomb.
We are preparing to enter a week of faith, a week of trusting that despite everything that is happening to Jesus, the holy love he embodies is still at the core of all creation, is still renewing all creation.
We prepare to enter a week that is holy, that is held in God’s love …a love that leads us towards resurrection!
We again invite you to in-person worship this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Saying that – the street in front of the church is a complete mess of ice!

It appears that a city drain has not opened and any water that was on the street is now ice. It is possible to access the sidewalk from the east lane, where it has only very small spots of ice – but parking on Yale is very dangerous. We have reached out to the City and to our City Councillor, and have heard from 311 that the situation will be reviewed within 2 days and potentially addressed within 9 days. If the situation improves we will send another note to you.
If you cannot be present, or choose to stay safely at home, you are invited to join in the livestream.
Here’s the ZOOM link for TMUC:
and, if you want to just listen, you can join by phone: 204-272-7920
As part of our worship we will be reading Matthew 21:1-11 and the music includes:
“All Glory, Laud and Honour” – Voices United #122
“Ride On, Ride On, in Majesty” – Voices United #127
TMUC’s Holy Week worship services are:
Sunday, April 2, 10:00 a.m. Palm Sunday worship with the Children’s Choir singing.
Thursday, April 6, 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion in the Multi-Purpose Room
Friday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. Good Friday Worship
1:00 p.m. Messy Easter
Sunday, April 9, 10:00 Easter Sunday Worship with Communion
Other Church News:
First the New News:
The TMUC breakfast group is meeting on Monday, April 10 at 8:00 a.m. at Aalto’s CanadInn Transcona. All are welcome!
The New to Canada people from Ukraine need some things – particularly School Supplies (notebooks, paper, glue, storage folders, organizers, pens); hygiene products; pillows, a double bed – mattress and box spring. Small items can be dropped off in the office.
The Canadian Letters and Images Project has a Transcona Memorial Page! This collection is comprised of letters of thanks sent to the Ladies Aid of Transcona United Church in 1944 and 1945 by Canadian service personnel, to thank them for the Christmas parcels provided by the Church. The letters represent recipients from across Canada and overseas.
And the not-so-new news:
The end is near! TMUC’s Glenlea Greenhouse plant sale fundraiser is available for online shopping until April 15, 2023. Get growing with us by supporting the online plant sale by clicking on the link and selecting Transcona Memorial United Church in the drop-down menu at check out.
The plants will be delivered to TMUC on Friday May 12 and pick up starts at 3 pm. If you require delivery, please contact and we can make arrangements with you.
Come for conversation! Tuesdays from 1:15-2:15 and Thursdays from 6-7pm (not on Maundy Thursday though) we welcome people to gather in conversation. Those learning English are eager to practice! Come and join us in the Multi-purpose room to chat! All are welcome!
And, the new total for money collected from recycling pop cans is now $270.90! Thanks for supporting this project – keep the pop cans coming!
And, we are still partnering with TruEarth for fundraising. TruEarth is a Canadian Company that has developed an environmentally friendly hypo-allergenic laundry soup that is 100% plastic free. The laundry strips are mailed to your home, and very easy to use. If you have questions there are a number of people in our congregation who are using them. The fundraising link can be used by anyone across the country so please share the news with family and friends!
Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support of TMUC’s ministry. Donations online can be made through CanadaHelps:
Dinner Theatre News:
TMUC’s Caught in the Act Co.’s (CITAC) Dinner Theatre’s ‘Borrowed Time’ is April 20-23. Tickets are $50 each (purchasers receive a $20 donation receipt). Tickets are available through the office.
Many volunteers are needed to produce the Dinner Theatre. We have major roles associated with the production and all casting complete; we are now looking for someone to coordinate the serving staff. This person coordinates the many volunteer servers required to serve dinner and dessert to all the guests.
We have clear descriptions and instructions for this role. Please contact Kathy Antymis through, if interested.
Prairie to Pine Regional News:
The Regional Annual Meeting will be held June 1-4 at the United Church in Meadowood. Details of volunteer opportunities have been circulated – please check previous messages for more details.
We keep you in our prayers,
again, with deep, deep thanks,
Carol and Jeff