Midweek News on Holy Week

Midweek News on Holy Week


This Midweek Musing comes Mid Holy Week!

Last Sunday we remembered Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem. Tomorrow we will gather to remember Jesus and his companions sharing bread in an upper room. On Friday we will be confronted by crucifixion and Jesus’ death. On Saturday we will grieve the death of Jesus, the end of God’s new world…………………………………………….

And this week will feel anything but holy!

This week seems to punch holes in holiness!  In all this suffering and pain, where is holiness? Where is God?

To be ‘holy’ is to be dedicated to God, to live centred in God, to belong to God.

Today, mid-Holy Week, we muse on this seemingly unholy holy week.

We think about how what is done ‘to’ Jesus is so different from what Jesus did in his relationships.

We muse on systems and attitudes that control, that dominate, that make power an end not a means, that preserve the privilege of a few by silencing the prayers of many.

We muse on Jesus – on the humbleness of a donkey, on the anger and passion that drives from the temple the animals intended for sacrifice.

We muse on the anger and passion grounded in God who desires mercy and right relations.

We muse on the ordinariness of bread broken and shared, on the extraordinariness of this bread broken and shared; on the pain of betrayal, the disappointment of abandonment; on intense prayers offered in Gesthemane, on a rejection of violence even when victimized by violence, on trust that somehow the Source of Holiness, the Creator of all creation, the Dreamer of Peace on Earth…is present, is a companion in the brokenness and in the hope.

We muse on God who was with Jesus. We muse on God who is with us.

And we trust that we are held in love by our Holy God even in what seem to be the unholiest of times.

And, we trust that we will be held in love by our Holy God when these days are over and we awake on Easter morning to the Good News of Christ is Risen!  We hope that you will join us in worship, either online or in person this weekend.

(at the end of this message we will add the links to the Moderator’s Easter Message and the TMUC Music Team’s previous recordings for the music we will sing on Good Friday and Easter Sunday)

Holy Week at TMUC:

Thursday at 9:00 a.m. – The monthly Check-in and Chat on ZOOM:


Thursday, April 6, 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion in the Multi-Purpose Room

Friday, April 7, 10:00 a.m. Good Friday Worship  (Also on ZOOM)

1:00 p.m.Easter Messy Church

Sunday, April 9, 10:00 Easter Sunday Worship with Communion  (Also on ZOOM)


Carnations are being delivered on Saturday to some of TMUC’s shut-ins.  Please let us know if you are willing to be a volunteer in delivering.  Deliveries will be ready to go out by 1:00 p.m.

The TMUC breakfast group is meeting on Monday, April 10 at 8:00 a.m. at Aalto’s CanadInn Transcona.  All are welcome!

The deadline for ordering Dinner Theatre tickets is April 11.  Please be in touch with the office to arrange your tickets!  (and there is room to join the Volunteer crew too!)

The deadline for ordering from the Glenlea Greenhouse Fundraiser is April 15.  Here’s the link:


Come for conversation!  Tuesdays from 1:15-2:15 and Thursdays from 6-7pm we welcome people to gather in conversation.  Those learning English are eager to practice! Come and join us in the Multi-purpose room to chat! (Note: tomorrow, April 6, the Thursday conversation time will be in Suthwyn Hall). All are welcome!

Here’s Moderator Carmen Lansdowne’s Easter Message:


and some of TMUC’s music for Holy Week:

O Sacred Head

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Jesus Christ is Risen Today

One Bread, One Body

Thine is the Glory

We keep you in our prayers,

Blessed Holy Week,
Happy Easter!

Carol and Jeff