Midweek News – May 12

Midweek News – May 12


Thursday Conversation – May 13 at 9:00 am
Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219

Just Hum Along!!

When someone mentions the name of a song and we can’t quite remember the piece, we might say, ‘just hum a few bars.’

Researchers are now discovering that humming a few bars, or humming along, or just humming, is good for us.

Researchers at the Karalinska institute in Stockholm say that humming has beneficial physical effects on humans, improving breathing and general health.  Other researchers cite humming as a possible way to reduce stress, increase the level of oxygen in cells, and stimulate the vagus nerve system which might even strengthen the immune system, regulate blood pressure, and reduce inflammation. Hmmmm….

Some meditation practices include humming and chanting in promoting health.

So, in the coming few days, take some time to ‘hum along’.  Just breathe in, and hum; breathe in and hum….

Maybe catching the ‘hum bug’ can be good for our health.

Visiting with friends can also be good for us, so everyone is invited to join TMUC’s weekly online check-in and chat time, Thursdays at 9 a.m.

Here is the ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7538449219

If you prefer to join us by being on a ‘Party-line’/’Conference Call’ style of phone call, the number to dial is: 204-272-7920

You will be asked if you want to ‘join a meeting’, (say yes), and then enter the meeting ID number:  753 844 9219

The same Zoom link can be used this Sunday, May 16 to join in Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.  

The next Sunday ZOOM is on June 6 at 10:00 a.m..

We look forward to seeing you again!
Carol and Jeff